I'm sure this is something all parents go through, but the past couple of weeks I have been really noticing how my little Diva isn't so little anymore. Where did the time go? As dumb as this sounds it really hit me Sunday when I was at the mall. The kids are outgrowing their clothes left and right and had some gift cards to Gap. I was looking at the girls clothes in Baby Gap and it was all too small for her. She's a 5 now. That took me back for a minute. Another night not long ago Aunt B, Diva and I were at Target when Aunt B asked me if Diva could wear the big girl clothes yet. It took me a second, but I realized, that yes, she can. Ouch. She's not a baby. I have Apple TV on my living room TV. While it plays music pictures we post on Flickr scroll on the TV. I have pictures from a few months ago mixed in with the most recent pictures. As I watch these pictures scroll by I notice that a few months ago Diva was still pudgy and had a baby face. Lately in her pictures she is thinner and looks more like a little girl. When did this happen? I'm pretty sure she was just born! I'm sure Mr. Hubs and I are like most parents. When our babies are first born we can't wait until they are sleeping through the night. We are excited about every milestone that they cross and get excited thinking about when they are big and all the fun stuff we can do. We did that with Diva and we are doing it with Shrek and Donkey. It's a double edged sword for me. While it's really nice that she is more self sufficient and can dress herself, feed herself and go to the potty. It's also a little sad that she isn't that pudgy little baby anymore that relied on me for everything. Christmas was fun this year and I was so excited that I hardly slept the night before. Diva knew what Christmas was this year and was so excited for Santa to come and to see what he was bringing her. It was so fun to watch her and see the excitement she had. Mr. Hubs and I talked about when Shrek and Donkey are older and how much fun the Holiday's are going to be around our house. Frantic but fun. While I know the future is exciting, it's a little sad to say goodbye to the past.
Ever done something that hurts, is hard, and you want to quit, but when you are done it feels so good??? That's how this week has gone for me. This week on my fitness tour brought me to Revved Fitness. And it hurt so good. Revved is almost identical to Orangetheory. They do a combination of cardio and strength. You wear a heart rate monitor and the goal is to to elevate your heart rate and work in certain zones. The only difference I noticed is that Revved uses stationary bikes for cardio and Orangetheory uses treadmills. Revved offers a 7 day trial for $10. I signed up online and went to my first class Monday morning. Monday morning came and was stormy, early, and a line was almost out the door when I arrived. Yikes! I signed in and wandered into the room. It was a BIG class. All the bikes were full, and there were people on rowers and the strength area. The trainer split us in half. Half the class started with strength the other half started with cardio. I got in the...
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