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Showing posts from February, 2011

What She Wore Wednesday

Diva picked out a very special outfit for today's installment. She will probably want to kill me when she's older and realizes that I posted her pictures. T-Shirt~ Target Skirt~ Thrift Store Find Red Tights~ Target Cowgirl boots~ Target (I shop there A LOT!) And you can't see it, but she is wearing an orange and white hair's homemade. 

Handling It Badly...

I'm distracted. In addition to everyday family stresses and Mommyhood outside stressors are distracting me. Recently my life has been thrown into chaos. It was something that I knew was coming. It was something that had been put off for a while and had to be dealt with. Things had to be said that were difficult to say and tears, a lot of tears, have been shed over it. I thought I was handling the situation well, until I realized I finished a bag of chocolates yesterday and I'm crying over a TV commercial this morning. I'm a wreck. I sent Diva to school yesterday without brushing her hair because my mind was somewhere else. I don't like feeling this way. I need a different outlet. My pants can't handle much more of this and my family is being neglected. I'm trying to figure it out. Even writing this my mind is drifting. It's funny how these things can sneak up on someone and affects everyone so differently.

Green Beans

Shrek and Donkey are eating baby food. I've really struggled to get into a routine with this. I'm not sure why. It should be easy for me since I'm not working an 8-5 this time around. But, I've really had a hard time. Over the past month it's been hit or miss with feeding the little guys. The past two weeks I have really buckled down and started feeding them baby food regularly. They.Love.It. We started out with cereal and progressed to vegetables. So far they have had sweet potatoes and squash. They LOVED the sweet potatoes. Donkey would shriek at me if I was not fast enough with the spoon. They enjoyed their squash, but it was not the same fervor that the sweet potatoes had. I've made them some carrots, but haven't fed them yet. Out of fear of turning my children orange with all the orange foods I've been feeding them I made some green beans today and fed to the boys. Love is not a word I would use to describe their reaction. They both kind of looked a...

Happy Valencetimes Day

I'm not an overly gushy person.  In fact Mr. Hubs is definitely the more affectionate one in our relationship.  I have no reason or excuse for it, it's just the way I'm wired. I would like to change that, but I always stop myself. Again, no reason for it. Usually I let/make Mr. Hubs plan a special Valentine's Day Date. Partly because the first year we were married there was a movie fiasco and he has never let me forget it. The movie Monster was in theaters over Valentine's that year and I really wanted to see it. So, for Valentine's Day I drug Mr. Hubs to see it. It didn't leave him with a warm lovin' feeling. I loved the movie. Since then he has planned our dates. He always does really good. This year I wanted to shake things up and do something special. So, I planned our date. It drove Mr. Hubs crazy because he knew I had something special planned he just didn't know what. He doesn't like surprises. So, the day of our date came and I told him w...

What She Wore Wednesday (on Thursday)

I'm late...two weeks really, with my blog. I follow another blog that does a 'What She Wore Wednesday' every week. It's really cute and I thought it was a good idea since the Diva dresses herself and everyday is interesting. This is an outfit she actually wore last Wednesday. Today she wore the same outfit except her tights were red instead of black. She really loves this's from Target. So are the Hello Kitty boots and probably the tights.

Beauty and the Beast

So, as I might have mentioned before, my little Diva is turning 4 on Monday. I don't know how it happened or when she got so big, but the day is upon us. We had her birthday party today. If you know me you know birthday's are a very big deal to me. That is one really strong memory I have growing up was birthday's. It's your one special day every year that you get to yourself. My mom always threw me big birthday parties. She probably still would if I lived at home. I try to pass this on to my family. Mr. Hubs likes to grumble, but even he likes his Cinco De Mayer parties. I have thrown Diva a party every year of her life. I begin planning months in advance. It's pretty pathetic. In November her cousin had a princess party. We weren't able to go because of other circumstances, but I got the details about Cinderella coming to the party and spending time with the kids. I thought it was a super genius idea. Diva had already been asking for a princess party. So, my ...