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Showing posts from May, 2011


Wednesday already? How can that be? The little Diva was at it again today. There was a wardrobe change this evening because we went and met Aunt B for dinner. Round 1 I didn't get the picture taken before she took her shoes off. Just imagine hot pink tennis shoes with a yellow sock and a turquoise sock. Shorts: Children's Place T-shirt: Children's Place Stains on T-shirt: "Might be my lunch or maybe Haley did it." That Haley sure does a lot of stuff! I made her change because I told her I didn't want to go to dinner with a dirty homeless girl. This is what she decided to wear for dinner. Round 2 Tank Top: Old Navy...maybe? Shorts: Target, pretty sure Shoes: Target Yellow Socks: Target Attitude: Her father. We met Aunt B for dinner at Osaka. It's always an adventure wherever we go. The boys had a good time. Somehow, someway we beat Aunt B there. That never happens!  The boys were great little troopers while we waited. All three of them.

Dancing Queen

I've been neglecting my blog. No good excuse, just been lazy. Last week was a blur of snot and crying. Those boys were SICK and in very bad moods. I was exhausted. It didn't help the weather was sucky to. It's kind of sucky this week as well, but those boys are better. Now my dog, Bailey, is barfy. It's pretty gross. The vet didn't have any available appointments today so we are "watching" her today and if she is still sick taking her tomorrow. Watching her do what? Beats me. Barf I guess. We don't have a kennel so I am keeping her outside. That is two fold. She seems pretty content out there and I don't have to clean up the mess. Besides, she is safe from the blitz attack by Shrek and Donkey. Back to the main point of my blog. The Diva had her BIG RECITAL on Saturday. If you know Diva you know this was a VERY.BIG.DEAL. She has been talking, practicing and dreaming of dancing on "the big stage" for months now. The day finally arrived. Sh...

Snot Boy, Pink Eye and the Inquisition...

Yup, that's right...Mr. Mayer came up with the kids super hero names. Pink Eye Snot Boy The Inquisition Why you ask? Well...It started over the weekend. Donkey woke up from his nap with a gooey eye. It didn't look like much at first so I didn't do anything about it that day. Sunday morning he woke up and the eye was bright red and crusty. Yay. So Donkey and I make our first trip to Pediatric Urgent Care where it is confirmed he has pink eye. FAB-U-LOUS! The doctor gives me a prescription for an extra bottle of medicine so that "when" the other two get it I won't have to drag them back to the doctor. On a side note it was a little strange going out with just one baby. I think even Donkey thought it was strange. He kept looking around like he was looking for his brother. Now to snot boy...the same day (Sunday) that Donkey has pink eye Shrek wakes up with the snottiest nose he has ever had. Poor little dude can't breathe and is just eating snot....

What She Wore Wednesday

It's Wednesday again- already! It's a rainy kind of day. Diva was in a pretty good mood this morning. That always helps. As usual she dressed herself. Nothing wild, she picked out a dress. She is a ham though when it comes to having her picture taken. Dress: Thrift Store find (she wanted the ties tied in the front instead of the back) Not pictured is her footwear. She chose white dress shoes from Target.

Rest and Relaxation?

I apologize in advance for the lack of pictures. There are no pictures of my trip, I was to tired and frazzled to take pictures. Mr. Mayer and I have never been to Branson. We were wanting to get out of town for a few days and thought Branson would be a fun place to go since we hadn't been there. Mr. Mayer found some really nice cabins for us to stay in outside of town. Nana Sue and Papa Jim came along for the fun. Though, they may never do it again! When Diva was a baby Mr. Mayer and I lugged her across one end of the state to another and she never protested. I could mess up her schedule and she never complained. She was a very easy going baby. Then came Shrek and Donkey. Let me tell you...these boys are creatures of habit. I miss one nap and I pay for it severely. So, a vacation out of town sounds like a good idea, right? I thought so. Plans are made. I spend 2 days packing everything. Babies take a lot of stuff! Sheesh! Not to mention a little girl who still wets her pants se...

WhAt ShE wOrE wEdNeSdAy

I missed last week...I was in the throws of vacation packing and last minute errand running. Ugh...more about that later.... It was a rough morning around the Mayer house this morning. Diva was in a whiny crying mood as were her brothers. Oh Happy Day! The first picture I took she would not give me a smile for ANYTHING . She told me "I just don't feel like smiling today." It's Teacher Appreciation week at her daycare this week. We missed the first two days due to me not knowing it was Teacher Appreciation week because of the above mentioned trip and her missing a few days last week. We played catch up this morning. I bribed her with her teacher's flowers to get a smile. Dress: Thrift store find...I have no idea what the brand is. Shoes: Target Blue Headband: Target She did a pretty good job matching this morning. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook you would have seen the post this week about the blue (very bright blue) and white striped shorts with th...