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Snot Boy, Pink Eye and the Inquisition...

Yup, that's right...Mr. Mayer came up with the kids super hero names.
Pink Eye

Snot Boy

The Inquisition
Why you ask? Well...It started over the weekend. Donkey woke up from his nap with a gooey eye. It didn't look like much at first so I didn't do anything about it that day. Sunday morning he woke up and the eye was bright red and crusty. Yay. So Donkey and I make our first trip to Pediatric Urgent Care where it is confirmed he has pink eye. FAB-U-LOUS! The doctor gives me a prescription for an extra bottle of medicine so that "when" the other two get it I won't have to drag them back to the doctor.
On a side note it was a little strange going out with just one baby. I think even Donkey thought it was strange. He kept looking around like he was looking for his brother.
Now to snot boy...the same day (Sunday) that Donkey has pink eye Shrek wakes up with the snottiest nose he has ever had. Poor little dude can't breathe and is just eating snot. I can't even wipe his nose enough to keep it clean. By the end of the day his nose is bright red and looks so painful. He can't drink his bottles because he can't breathe. None of us are sleeping because he can't breathe. It's the 4th day and his nose has not slowed down much.
On a positive note (dripping with sarcasm) Donkey has also developed the snotty nose and pink eye in the other eye. So now I have two boys that cannot breathe and are a constant trail of green gooey snot.
I am definitely earning my paycheck this week.
The Inquisition...that name is self explanatory. The child talks more than anyone I have ever met. And has more questions than anyone I have ever met. IT NEVER STOPS!
All these names came about Sunday afternoon. If you are friends with Mr. Mayer on Facebook you had probably already seen his posts. I reluctantly left Mr. Mayer home by himself Sunday afternoon with three grumpy kids to attend my first spin class. While I felt a little guilty about leaving him with the kids when they were all in such fowl moods I was very excited about the spin class.
It was tough. I was sore. I cannot wait to go to another one.
Mr. Mayer has gone to a couple of classes this week and enjoyed them as well. We have a friend that teaches them and it's his class we went to. Both of us can't attend the early morning class so Mr. Mayer has been going to that one. I have been perusing the schedule and plan to attend one of the other instructors classes later in the morning (when there is child care). As soon as the sea of snot ends and these boys quit looking so sick. I don't think the gym is in the cards for me this week :(
Why the sudden interest in spin classes and the gym? Mr. Mayer and I have gotten lazy. With my 1st pregnancy I gained 80 pounds. I only lost 40 of those pounds. I've been pretty unhappy about that for the past 4 years. In my second pregnancy I gained 40 pounds and lost all of that pretty quickly, but I am a size larger and have a big stomach. I am even unhappier about that. Mr. Mayer and I were pretty tired of being so unhappy with ourselves. Yesterday was our anniversary and we agreed that in 2 years on our 10th anniversary we will take a trip somewhere tropical (Turks&Caicos, Barbados, Hawaii, get the idea). I am not going as a flabby overweight hating myself person. I have 2 years to get to a place I'm happy with. I hope I don't punk out. I'm 4 pounds down in a week. I think that's a good start. Slow and Steady wins the race, right?


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