I hate it when that happens. Diva has her own upstairs wonderland (until I move her brother's up there). It was a black pit today. I think she had drug every toy she owned and then some into the floor today. You couldn't even see the carpet. I had been telling her all day to get it cleaned up. She generally does a really good job picking up. Generally. She has her days where I have to threaten to take a trash sack and clean up the mess myself. She never likes this idea so she gets everything cleaned up before I have to do that. Today was no different. I started telling her at 2pm today that she would have to have upstairs picked up before bedtime tonight or I would pick it up. Sounded reasonable to me. All afternoon Diva kept coming downstairs saying she needed a break. Fine. Whatever. Dinner came around and she hadn't picked it up. After dinner came and I sent her upstairs to clean up. About 45 minutes after I sent her upstairs Mr. Mayer went up to start her bath. She.had.not.picked.a.thing.up. Ugh! Great! So I proceeded to get my trash sack and go upstairs. I really hate this part. Diva sees me coming. She starts wailing. I explain that it was a consequence and she had been told what would happen. She gets in the tub and I clean up the upstairs. She thinks I threw everything out. Really Mr. Mayer and I quietly put her toys and barbies up and threw away all the trash she had strewn out. Diva likes to write and cut and draw. She had paper and markers and crayons strewn from one end to the other. Most of that got thrown away. Is that wrong of me? Needless to say I think I got my point across, at least for the next few days.
On a brighter note I made a yummy dinner tonight. I had Mr. Mayer grill some sirloin steak on the Hasty Bake tonight. I made a chimichurri sauce to go with it. I had never made that, only eaten it. Turned out fantastic. I highly recommend it! I'll be happy to share my recipe. Even Diva liked it. She never likes anything I make. I also roasted some eggplant, parsnips, carrots and tomatoes and made some Quinoa. Everyone loved it. Even the dudes liked it.

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