It's always fun to talk to other parents of multiples. They are the only other people in the world that truly understands and can laugh with you about the things that are said/ask of you. It's a feeling of camaraderie that you don't feel with other's. I belong to a local group of MOMs (Mother's of Multiples). I love getting together with these ladies and talking with them. We share and laugh about whatever our kids are doing or the newest crazy thing we were asked at the grocery store. I'll be perfectly honest....the attention the kids and I would get when we would go out anywhere really bothered me in the beginning. The questions that I was asked bothered me even more. Somewhere along the way I have gotten over that. In fact I even find humor in the looks we get now a days. And I dare someone to give me the stink eye at the grocery store when one of the boys is screaming his head off because he has to ride in a cart or his brother touched him. Because, yeah, um...