Before the Dudes arrived I had a living room with a recliner, love seat and couch. I also had a coffee table and two end tables. With lamps. Then the Dudes arrived and my little living room became a little crowded with all their baby paraphernalia so the coffee table was removed to the attic. We trucked along and then the Dudes got mobile. They started crawling and pulling lamps off tables. Grrr....After a million tumbles the lamps left the living room. I was convinced that there would be a broken light bulb in the near future. Then the Dudes started climbing. So the end tables left the living room. All that was left was a couch, love seat and recliner. I had the living area and kitchen gated off so that the Dudes could not go into the rest of the house. It was just easier that way. Toys took over the living room and my house started resembling a daycare. I hated it. Then in March-ish sometime we took the gates down. We let the Dudes venture upstairs. This was successful. The toys moved upstairs minus a small basket that I keep downstairs. An end table reappeared. The Dudes use(d) it for a jumping board onto the couch half the time. I'm making slow headway with that. I have dared to put coasters on the end table. And they have stayed there. Mr. Mayer and I have to get back in the habit of using a coaster. I think we've forgotten what they were! Over the past few weeks I have even dared to leave a few bedroom doors open! I know! It's getting crazy around here. The Dudes have done fairly well with these new things. Today I brought end table #2 out of hiding. I put it back in it's old spot. Now, I'm sitting here thinking "Man, it looks a little weird over there. I'm not sure I like it." I guess I have become so accustom to the daycare look that I have forgotten what my furniture looks like.
Looks a little foreign to me |
I am going to have to get used to having a living room with stuff in it other than toys. I may even go all out and put a lamp on it. Maybe. I'm not sure I'm that brave yet. Baby steps. Are we the only ones that cleared out furniture and what nots when babies started taking over?
you are not alone! we still haven't gone back to the "grown up" living room yet! LOL... one day we will... ONE DAY!