Hello everyone!! Have you missed me? I've been taking a little breather....remember how I said earlier that I wanted to enjoy my time a little more and wanted to slow down? Well, I've been trying. What have I been up to? Playing, doing a few things that I enjoy, drinking wine, sitting on my patio. So far this summer we have celebrated Memorial Day at the lake. That was fun as always. The kids had the time of their life. The following week I had our annual Cinco De Mayer party. I use Mr. Mayer's birthday as an excuse. It started 9 years ago on his actual birthday (May 5th). Since then it has been moved to the first Saturday of June and really it's just a big ol' party. It is always fun. I "try" to keep our guest list to around 75. I have been known to go over that number :/ Anyway, I'm rambling. We partied. It was fantastic as always. We have been going to the zoo with friends, story time at the library, splash pad at a local park and playing in the backyard. I got Diva her very first library card. The kid is 5. I had never taken the time to take her to the library. Mom of the year over here! She was so proud of that card she showed it to everyone that she saw for a week. Last week I went away for the weekend with 5 of my best girlfriends. We went to Kansas City. We had a hot date with Kenny Chesney and Tim McGraw and their Brother's of the Sun concert. AH-MAZ-ING is all I have to say about that. It was really fantastic to get away with some girlfriends and not do a thing except lay by the pool.
We had a fantastic time. I think it should become a regular occurrence. Mr. Mayer stayed home with the brood~and had a good time himself. I think his Facebook status was "I'm pretty sure this whole staying home with the kids thing wouldn't be that bad if it weren't for the 5 year old asker of a million questions." It's true. So very true. I didn't know a person could ask so many questions. Sometimes I pretend I don't hear her.

This week Diva is doing swim lessons in addition to her weekly gymnastics. I have a family reunion next weekend. Kill me now on that front. There are things in life I would prefer to avoid. Family reunions are one of those things. I mean. Really? Families still do this? Oh well. I guess I have to take the good with the bad. I asked Mr. Mayer if he could have another appendix out so that we didn't have to go. So far he's not cooperating.
So. Yeah. That's what's been up. You? Anything fun this summer?
This week Diva is doing swim lessons in addition to her weekly gymnastics. I have a family reunion next weekend. Kill me now on that front. There are things in life I would prefer to avoid. Family reunions are one of those things. I mean. Really? Families still do this? Oh well. I guess I have to take the good with the bad. I asked Mr. Mayer if he could have another appendix out so that we didn't have to go. So far he's not cooperating.
So. Yeah. That's what's been up. You? Anything fun this summer?
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