Are you guys ready for another installment? It is United Way week at Diva's school. They get to do silly things to raise money for United Way. Today is Wacky Socks and Hair day. Unless you are my child. Then, it's just another Wednesday for her. Needless to say. Today was not a stretch for her. Shirt: Pretty sure that is an Old Navy shirt Shorts: Cut off jeggings. They had a hole in the knee so I cut them for her to have some ratty shorts to wear around the house. Instead she wears them ALL. THE. TIME. It drives me crazy. She knows I hate them. Hello Kitty shoes: Target Socks: Mismatched from I have no idea. I have a bonus picture today. If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you may have seen my post asking you to visualize the outfit. Forgot the pic so just visualize this~ Blue jeggings, denim shorts, black sparkly top, red sparkly boots, and she made her own side pony. It was beyond fabulous....I was able to get a picture of it after school. She thought she ...