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Showing posts from September, 2012

WhAt ShE wOrE wEdNeSdAy

Are you guys ready for another installment? It is United Way week at Diva's school. They get to do silly things to raise money for United Way. Today is Wacky Socks and Hair day. Unless you are my child. Then, it's just another Wednesday for her. Needless to say. Today was not a stretch for her. Shirt: Pretty sure that is an Old Navy shirt Shorts: Cut off jeggings. They had a hole in the knee so I cut them for her to have some ratty shorts to wear around the house. Instead she wears them ALL. THE. TIME. It drives me crazy. She knows I hate them. Hello Kitty shoes: Target Socks: Mismatched from I have no idea. I have a bonus picture today. If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you may have seen my post asking you to visualize the outfit.  Forgot the pic so just visualize this~ Blue jeggings, denim shorts, black sparkly top, red sparkly boots, and she made her own side pony. It was beyond fabulous....I was able to get a picture of it after school.  She thought she ...

An Incident With A Mouse

Yup. True story. That's how my afternoon went. I'm sure I have the Bubonic Plague or Rabies or something else horrific. I watch the Discovery Channel. The Today Show did a show last week saying that diseases from the past are on the uptick. I don't like mice, rats, or any other small furry creature that is mouse looking. They creep me out. They are on my short list with snakes and roaches. I get a little panicky just thinking about them. You can imagine how calm cool and collected I was this afternoon. Mr. Mayer wasn't taking me seriously. Now, since then, I have sat in this house completely paranoid that there are mice inside somewhere. I feel my heart rate increasing as I type this. In addition to the Mouse Incident there was ANOTHER EFFING POOPCAPADE!!!!! Grrrrr....I have expressed my disdain for poo and anything poo related. However, I keep getting stuck cleaning the stuff up. I was super distracted by the impeding mouse invasion. The Dudes had been pullin...


So, as I mentioned on Wednesday ~Mr. Mayer is gone for 11 days. It's the longest either one of us have been gone. Ever. I was a little nervous. However, Wednesday was an unbelievably good day. All 3 kids were in good moods. Things went smoothly. I found a little bitty park near Diva's dance class that the Dudes and I could play at while she was in class. It all went well. Then yesterday happened. Those good moods? Replaced by 3 crying, screaming, falling in the floor blobs. I mean. What the heck?! Can we go back to Wednesday? The Dudes and I did manage to go and get donuts yesterday morning before they went to their school. They thought that was a very big deal. We don't do things like that very often. On top of the terrible no good moods Diva had gymnastics and an open house at school. I tried to get out of the open house. She was having none of it. She was pumped to show me her classes and teachers. Ugh. Do I have to?! Then it started raining. We need the rain, but...

11 Days

I knew it was coming. I've known for a while that it was going to happen. I just chose not to think about it because every time I did think about it I would get anxious about it. Well. Today is the day. It happened. Mr. Mayer left. For 11 days. Yikes!!! A long weekend, no problem. But a week and a half? Yikes!!! It will be just me and kids. Just typing it makes me panic a little. And, if I'm being honest. I'm not sure why I'm so anxious about this. It will be the same stuff I do everyday. I mean. I'm a stay at home Mom. I'm with these people every day! I think what makes me anxious is the idea that I know he will not be here to back me up. Usually around 5pm things start to go down hill around here. I'm tired. The kids are tired. There is crying. There is screaming. There is all around mayhem. It's nice to have another adult around to talk to and to take a screaming kid. As I was dropping him off at the airport this morning he said "Please don...

Hello from Crazy Town

Ever have one of those weeks where you aren't sure if you are coming or going? Yeah. I have. I think I've hit my wall tonight. My eyelids are being held up by toothpicks at the moment. Life has been nonstop for over a week now. I'm hoping tomorrow can return to a little normal. Diva started back to dance this week, in addition to her weekly gymnastics. The Dudes are officially 2!! More on that later because I like to drag things out a while :/ I babysat my sweet little 7 month old niece on Wednesday and decided I had 0% desire to have another baby. But, I did remember how easy one baby can be. Wow! The Dudes have been r-o-t-t-e-n this week. OMG! Make the screaming stop!!! Someone. Help. Please! I'm begging. The screaming. The crying. The CLIMBING ON EVERY FREAKIN' THING THEY SEE.  Whether we are in public or not. Super embarrassing. I'm trying really hard not to go completely crazy mom on the Dudes, especially when we are out in public. This is getting harder by...