So....this past weekend I had a girls weekend with my friend DJ. We went to see P!nk in concert in Dallas. I love P!nk. And....BEST CONCERT EVER. We had a fantastic time. A couple of other friends were there that we met up with and had dinner and later a limo ride (my very first!) and after concert drinks....and dancing. Oh the dancing. I won't lie. There were a lot of drinks. The next morning was rough. I didn't feel like a human until around noon-ish. DJ took me to Ikea. I had never been before. How on earth had I missed that place my whole life?! It was a AH-MAZ-ING!!! I can't wait to go back. After Ikea we shopped around the rest of the day. The next day was more shopping and a return to Oklahoma and reality. It was so great to get away for a few days. I missed the family, but gosh a break was super nice.
I've never been to Ikea either, but I really wanna!! Sound like you had fun!!