So.....a while back I may or may not have given Mr. Mayer some crap for packing my shoes and nearly having to go barefoot through a couple of airports. Because. Seriously. He packed my shoes. Now, I should probably come clean. I typically forget to pack something every time we go somewhere. Most of the time I forget to pack a child's underwear. Why? I have no idea. Maybe because they are small? Beats me. This trip to my inlaws is no different. Totally forgot to pack the Dudes some underwear. We discovered this at 6:15 this morning. Thanksgiving morning no less. Happy turkey day!!! So, being a good little Mom I wash the Dudes underwear, or "underwears" as #2 calls them. When they are washed and dried I promptly dress the Dudes and #2 promptly pees his pants. Doh! Of course he did. Now my child who LOVES his penis is going commando. You can imagine how much he is loving this. I may never get him back in his underwears again.
Ever done something that hurts, is hard, and you want to quit, but when you are done it feels so good??? That's how this week has gone for me. This week on my fitness tour brought me to Revved Fitness. And it hurt so good. Revved is almost identical to Orangetheory. They do a combination of cardio and strength. You wear a heart rate monitor and the goal is to to elevate your heart rate and work in certain zones. The only difference I noticed is that Revved uses stationary bikes for cardio and Orangetheory uses treadmills. Revved offers a 7 day trial for $10. I signed up online and went to my first class Monday morning. Monday morning came and was stormy, early, and a line was almost out the door when I arrived. Yikes! I signed in and wandered into the room. It was a BIG class. All the bikes were full, and there were people on rowers and the strength area. The trainer split us in half. Half the class started with strength the other half started with cardio. I got in the...
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