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Showing posts from August, 2016

I'm Not Dead Yet....

Hey y'all! Surprise!! I know, I know. Life happened. Just to catch everyone up since my last post....a year ago (whoops!) here is the highlight reel of what has happened in my little corner of the world: -I started working from home. It's been a bigger adjustment than I expected, but getting easier, maybe? Cause that's what I should be doing now instead of tending my very neglected blog. -My Dad had Alzheimer's and he lost his battle in January. Much of last fall was spent traveling south to help. Then I had to take a few months away from it all and get my mind right. Don't worry. My mom is still around and still crazy. -We built a pool, and some other stuff. Y'all, that almost did me in. It took 4 months!!! Ugh! -None of the spawn was kicked out of school last year. Woot! Woot! Crossing our fingers for this year! -We only suffered one concussion, one split open face that required gluing, one broken thumb and one sliced up pinky finger that was glued b...