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4th of July and the 5, 6, 7, and 8....

Man, the 4th of July falling on a Wednesday really messed me up this week. Did it anyone else? Not only have my days been mixed up but it just felt strange all around. We weren't sure whether to go to the lake the weekend before or the weekend after. Should Mr. Mayer take Monday and Tuesday off work or Thursday and Friday? We decided on Thursday and Friday. Mr. Mayer got off work early on Tuesday and off we went. Tuesday night there was a huge fireworks show down at Duck Creek. We've gone a few times in the boat. It is CRAZY business down there. You can see the show pretty well from the opening of the cove we stay in. Diva was set on seeing fireworks on Tuesday night. All she had to say was "pretty please" and her Daddy hooked up the lights on the boat and we were watching fireworks. After about 20 minutes she lost interest and was ready to go back and go to bed. I wasn't disappointed. I was a little tired myself. Wednesday we suckered convinced Nana and Papa to

Something Happened...

I'm typing this from my IPad. I HATE blogging from my IPad :/ I was going to blow your minds with a super fantastic 4th of July blog, but something happened...the electricity flashed, the TV stopped working, there was no Internet and I'm left just sitting here with my IPad. I may go upstairs nd finish purging. So far I have collected 4 trash bags of donation stuff and one bag of trash from Diva's room. The kid had 30+ Barbies. A 5 year old doesn't need that many Barbies. She's gone for a week and I wonder if she will even notice the stuff is missing when she gets home next week? So, I am going to go. Mr. Mayer and I are actually going to have to talk to each other~eeekkk! That can't be possible?!

I'm Not Above Bribery

That's right. I'm sure I'm not the only parent who feels that way. I'll use bribery. I'm not scared. For example~ Mr. Mayer and I are water people. I have been swimming for as long as I can remember. I remember being around 3 and living in Texas and my Mom put me in swim lessons. I thought it was so fun to swim to the bottom of the pool and pick up rings. I want my kids to be comfortable in the water. We have a boat. We go to the lake a lot. They need to be able to swim.  By the time Diva was 6 months old she was in her first swim class. She loved water. All things about water. The following 2 summers were the same. She was in swim lessons as soon as there was an opening. Again. Loved the water. She did great. Then twins happened. I feel that Diva has gotten the short end of the stick. I did not have the energy for swim lessons. We did not go to the lake much. We were not water people that summer. I had the best laid plans to get her back in swim lessons the fol


Canning...the word sounds a little old fashioned to me. I think I have always associated canning and preserving with my "Maw Maw." I remember she had a cellar with shelves and shelves of colorful jars of things she had canned and preserved for a later use. It is definitely something I never imagined myself doing or having an interest in. We moved into our current house 4 years ago. I started a little garden that summer. I quickly became overwhelmed with the amount the little garden produced. I have repeated history every year since then however. Year after year I find myself at a loss as to what to do with all my produce. My Aunt Kathy has a garden as well. It's not a little garden. It's like a multi acre garden. She always has an abundance of things. They only planted 60 tomato plants this year. They scaled back from their normal 70....Whuck?! Aunt Kathy is always more than willing to share her bounty. I went home for a family reunion this past weekend. I came home w

Splash Pad

There is an awesome splash pad not far from here that I had been hearing about. Everyone I knew that went to it raved about it and said how much fun they had there with their kids. The kids L-O-V-E water. We do a sprinkler in the backyard on a regular basis. I was itching to get them to the splash pad. I had planned to meet a friend and her kids on Friday there, but the weather had other plans. I ended up taking my 3 to the mall to play in their play area for a while. Sunday the sun was shining and it was a great day. Diva had been asking to go to the splash pad so we loaded up and headed that way. The place was fantastic. I was impressed. Diva ran around in the water for a little bit and then her and a girl she met there went and played on the play set adjacent to the splash pad the rest of the time. Carter took immediately to the water. He was one very happy little boy. He ran around full speed the entire time. It took Owen a little bit to warm up to the idea. The first 30-45 minutes


Hello everyone!! Have you missed me? I've been taking a little breather....remember how I said earlier that I wanted to enjoy my time a little more and wanted to slow down? Well, I've been trying. What have I been up to? Playing, doing a few things that I enjoy, drinking wine, sitting on my patio. So far this summer we have celebrated Memorial Day at the lake. That was fun as always. The kids had the time of their life. The following week I had our annual Cinco De Mayer party. I use Mr. Mayer's birthday as an excuse. It started 9 years ago on his actual birthday (May 5th). Since then it has been moved to the first Saturday of June and really it's just a big ol' party. It is always fun. I "try" to keep our guest list to around 75. I have been known to go over that number :/ Anyway, I'm rambling. We partied. It was fantastic as always. We have been going to the zoo with friends, story time at the library, splash pad at a local park and playing in the bac

Taking It Back

Before the Dudes arrived I had a living room with a recliner, love seat and couch. I also had a coffee table and two end tables. With lamps. Then the Dudes arrived and my little living room became a little crowded with all their baby paraphernalia so the coffee table was removed to the attic. We trucked along and then the Dudes got mobile. They started crawling and pulling lamps off tables. Grrr....After a million tumbles the lamps left the living room. I was convinced that there would be a broken light bulb in the near future. Then the Dudes started climbing. So the end tables left the living room. All that was left was a couch, love seat and recliner. I had the living area and kitchen gated off so that the Dudes could not go into the rest of the house. It was just easier that way. Toys took over the living room and my house started resembling a daycare. I hated it. Then in March-ish sometime we took the gates down. We let the Dudes venture upstairs. This was successful. The toys move