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My sweet little Owen has turned into a big ol' meanie. I know. Look at that sweet little face. He couldn't possibly be mean. I was in denial. But, over the past couple of weeks it's becoming a problem. At first I thought he was just having a bad day. It started with pushing and taking toys. This week a friend came over with her little girl who is 19 months. Little Addie would be playing with a toy and Owen would come up and take the toy then hit her with it. It wasn't a one time thing. He did it repeatedly. When he wasn't hitting her he was pushing her, pulling her hair or throwing things at her. Where is this coming from? Today their little friends Alec and Aiden came over to play. Owen was up to his old tricks. He was hitting, pushing, pulling, taking toys, throwing toys. Not only to Alec and Aiden, but to his brother. I'm distressed. I  know some of it is age. But, I don't want to just allow him to be mean. I have tried to do time outs. I'm not su...

First Day

I don't know when it happened or how. If someone could tell me when this sweet little Angel Baby~ got big enough to go to Kindergarten?! I mean. I blinked and away she went. She was so excited. We spent a week picking out what she would wear and that morning she put on her stand by OSU t-shirt and cut off leggings. She loves that look. I do not. Whatever. And the backpack. Can we just talk about how big that backpack looks. My baby girl should not be old enough for this stuff. I picked her up that afternoon and she was a bubbling ball of energy. Anything I asked her about school was "Awesome." Her teacher was awesome. Her friends were awesome. Her lunch was awesome. You get the idea. It's all awesome. And, not to be left out, the Dudes had a first day this week as well. They started Mother's Day Out two days a week. They were so excited to wear their little backpacks they threw a fit when I had to take them off. We arrived at their classroom and they ran...

Come On!!

The Dudes are playing outside this morning. I am in and out getting some stuff done around here (folding laundry and doing dishes) . I have the backdoor open. The Dudes are happily playing. I look out and see this. I mean. Really?!

Big Boys

Ugh...remember a week or so ago I posted about my little escape artist ? Then we immediately left for vacation and Carter immediately started climbing out of his pack & play. That was completely awesome (dripping with sarcasm). We came home on Saturday night. Sunday afternoon Mr. Mayer took the sides off of the Dudes cribs and turned them into toddler beds. My babies aren't babies anymore. That hurts a little. I took most everything out of their rooms. Child locks were put on the changing table/dresser. I bought them new sheets since most of their old ones had holes and the elastic was shot. I got them little blankets for their beds and little pillows. I was not ready for this new stage. Bedtime came. I had convinced myself that it was going to be hours and hours of torture and that they would never sleep. Mr. Mayer and I put them in bed and tell them "night night." Then we turned out the light and walked out. Carter immediately started wailing a shrill paint pe...

Home Sweet Home

We are home!! Vacations are great~until you have a 12 hour car ride home. We left Angel Fire at 7:30 this morning and pulled into our driveway at 8:45 tonight. We were all a little crabby and crazy by the time we got home. I have to give a shout out to my awesome kids (remind me that they are awesome when they are horrible blobs tomorrow) .  They handled the trip like champs. Hardly any crying. There were even a few naps today. Very successful. So~I'm beat....I'll share more about our great vacay later. For now~goodnight. We met my Grandpa, Uncle, Cousin and her little girl for lunch in Amarillo.   He fought a good fight but ended up passing out mid sentence. He didn't even try to fight it. He didn't even make it out of New Mexico before he was out.

It Happened

Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit...... It happened. I mentioned a few weeks ago here that the Dudes were nano seconds away from climbing out of their cribs. Then tonight happened. Grrr.... It has been a crazy busy day. I am exhausted. Olivia had her last swim lesson tonight. Mr. Mayer comes home late on Thursdays. Last week KiKi came over and watched the Dudes while I took Olivia to swim. Tonight Nana Karen and Papa Brad came over and hung out with the Dudes while Olivia and I went to swim. When we got home Mr. Mayer was home. He, Nana Karen, Papa Brad and I were all sitting in the living room with Olivia. The Dudes were in bed. We could hear Carter crying and the boys jabbering with each other off and on. Then we hear the drawer to the changing table shut. Wait.What?! Say again! Yeah. The drawer   to   the   changing   table.  Mmmmhmmmm. You read that right. I immediately knew what the sound was. I gave Mr. Mayer a look of terror just as it was regi...

Can I Sell Them?

Items as is.... One precocious girl child, 2007 model Adept at drama, back talking, screaming, stomping, slamming doors, crying at will, lying and a little heavy on mileage in the not listening department. She is somewhat of a hoarder and can destroy a room in seconds. Very skilled at hugs, kisses and playing with her brothers. Oh! And she can crack an egg. As an added bonus with the purchase of girl child you can have: Two boy children, 2010 models. Adept at mimicking anyone and everyone, crying, kicking, screaming and tackling. Oh. And climbing. Oh my gosh the climbing. On everything. Nothing is safe and anything can be used as a step stool. Still in diapers and both eat more than the 5 year old girl child. Very skilled at hugs, kisses, running and jumping. Both are learning some words and will repeat whatever is said to them. They both require snuggles, naps and laps to sit in as part of their daily maintenance. *No silly's I'm not really going to sell my ...