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The past 5 weeks have been a roller-coaster of emotion. My Mom is 76 and needed bypass surgery. The original surgery was postponed for medical reasons to a later date at the last minute. A week later Mom was admitted to the hospital with dangerously high blood pressure. She remained in the hospital for a week and a half and the decision was made to go ahead with her bypass. The date was set. I made plans to drive to Sherman Texas so I could be there with her. I was half way to Sherman the morning of her surgery when Aunt Kathy called. Mom's surgery was supposed to be at 1pm that day. Kathy called at 7:45 and said that she just got a call from the hospital and they moved Mom's surgery up to 8am that day. They were taking her back as we spoke. I was crushed. My Mom was going into major surgery and no one was there with her. I spent the remainder of the drive crying. I make it to Texas. I check in with the front desk and they update me on her progress. An hour later my Dad an...

36 Hours

Captain Morgan and his brother In the past 36 hours lots of exciting things have been happening at my little insane asylum. I have been potty training the Dudes for a few weeks now. They were doing great at the pee thing. I could not convince them to poop in the potty. I bribed them with everything I could think of. I even promised them I would buy them rocket ships like the Little Einsteins. Ugh...nothing was working. Until yesterday. Owen all of a sudden decided he would go poop in the potty. He hasn't pooped in his underwear once since then. HALLELUJAH!!!!! WHOO HOO!!! He thinks he's a pretty big deal. Me too. I guess I owe him a rocket ship. I'm hoping that peer pressure will get to Carter and he'll catch up pretty soon. Cross your fingers! Also in the past 36 hours both Dudes have decided they like to take showers. What the What?! Up until last night you would think we were pouring acid over their bodies the way they reacted to showers. Last night their sister...

Gymnastics Yo

Nice picture huh? Getting 3 kids to look at me and pose at the same time is impossible. This was the best I could get. They were trying to show me their ribbons. There were people waiting and I took about 8 pictures to get this gem of a picture. Diva has been doing gymnastics for about a year and half now. She LOVES it. Over the course of her gymnastics career the Dudes have been sitting in a little windowed room watching her. Every once and a while they would sneak through the door and try to join the class. My plan was to sign them up the second they turn 3. The facility we go to has a Mommy and Me class for kids under 3. Problem being there is one Mommy and two Me's. Doesn't really work out. One of Diva's instructor's, Miss Bailey, has watched the Dudes and their friend Fynn whose sisters do gymnastics with Diva. She has seen them sneak into class and how active they are. Three weeks ago Miss Bailey let the 3 boys do a trial class. Fynn's birthday is the d...

Potty Training Twins Is Not For The Weak

It's been a looonnnnnggggg week of potty training. I was hopeful, and honestly they are doing better than Olivia was at this point in the game. I reached a point this afternoon when I was telling myself that diapers were easier. I am confident enough to say that Owen is 90% trained. Most of the time he will come and tell me when he has to potty and then go potty. He has even woken up dry every morning except this morning. At nap time I tried to put a diaper on him but he takes it off. But, he stays dry during nap time. Over the course of the week we have managed to get 1 poop in the potty. Today he pooped his pants 3 times. Grrr....I'm taking it much harder than I should. Carter on the other hand is a whole other story. He pees in the potty about half the time if that much. To say I'm frustrated is an understatement. He did really great the first few days of potty training. He would tell me when he needed to go potty and didn't have any accidents. Then it all fell a...

Day 3...

Today was day 3 of the 3 day potty boot camp. I'm not sure what I was expecting. I have felt very frustrated this evening with the Dudes. But, as I sit here typing and looking at their little potty charts for the day I feel silly that I was so frustrated this evening. They did great. I'm crazy to think they would be 100% accident free at 32 months old and 3 days in big boy underwear. This morning started off great. The Dudes got up and we trotted them off to the bathroom. Owen went pee pee immediately. Carter did not. They had breakfast and we went upstairs. It was a full hour until Carter told me he had to go to the potty. But then he went. All morning I would tell the Dudes to "Tell Mommy when you have to go potty." And they would. There weren't as many false alarms this morning. When they said they had to potty they went potty. Mid morning Owen got really still and said he had to go poop. We ran to the bathroom. He sat down on the potty and went poop. A litt...

Day 2....

  Day 2 was not without some frustration. We started the morning off strong. Owen peed in the potty first thing this morning. Carter waited over an hour and then pooped in his underwear. However, sometime this morning Carter got it. He started peeing in the potty. There were even times he would tell me he had to potty and we would go in and he would sit down and pee. He had three accidents all day after he pooped in his pants. Proud Mama over here! Owen had a lot more accidents today. It frustrated me because he did so good yesterday that today it just kinda went down the drain. I think he turned it into a game and I'm not real sure what to do about that. He would say about every 30 seconds he had to potty. We would go to the potty and nothing. He would sit there and giggle, laugh and wiggle around on the potty. Then he would get up and go play. A minute later he was back on the potty. was exhausting. And majorly frustrating for me. He only peed in his pants a few tim...

Day 1

I bit the bullet and started potty training. The Dudes finished preschool last week and don't start their summer camp until June so I thought this was as good a time as any. That and I was getting tired of them taking their diapers off telling me they were yucky. Ugh. Hunting dirty diapers is not very much fun. I decided I would do the 3 day boot camp I had heard so much about. However, we are still using diapers/pull ups at night~for now. Unfortunately my life isn't one where I can be completely at home. I still have to pick up Olivia from school and her various activities. Other than picking her up today we didn't have to leave the house for anything else which was nice. However, dealing with her this afternoon was frustrating. There were some jealousy issues. I tried to explain that her brother's need my attention right now, but she wasn't buying it. It was a frustrating afternoon. I'm hoping some sleep does everyone good. So this morning I put some ...